How to Touch Gloves in UFC 4? Detail Guide

How to Touch Gloves in UFC 4

To touch gloves in the UFC 4 game, hold down the LT trigger on Xbox One or the L2 trigger on PS4 right after the referee signals the start of the match. Make sure to move slowly to ensure the glove touch animation triggers. Remember that you can use a fake glove touch to catch your opponent off guard with a physical attack.

UFC 4 is fighting game that simulates one of the world’s most angry sports. For many gamers, UFC 4 provides an opportunity to compete in virtual fighting while keeping a sense of sportsmanship. Touching gloves is one technique to show respect to your opponent before the battle begins. But How to Touch Gloves in UFC 4?

Step By Step Guide How To Touch Gloves in UFC 4:

Follow these steps To touch gloves in UFC 4:

Touch Gloves in UFC 4

Step 1: As the fight begins and the referee marks the start, your fighters will start to approach each other.

Step 2: Press the Right Trigger (RT/R2):  Press and hold the RT (on Xbox) or R2 (on PlayStation) as you approach your opponent. This action triggers the glove touch.

Step 3: Proximity Ensure that you are close enough to your opponent. If they both hit the same button, the boxers will exchange gloves.

Remember that technique only works at the beginning of the first round, and your opponent has to allow for the touch to succeed.

Understand the UFC 4 Game Controls

UFC 4 game Controls

Before getting into the specifics of touching gloves, it’s important to understand the controls in UFC 4. The game’s controls were created to simulate real-life movements and attacks, allowing players to punch, kick, grapple, and so on. Getting to know yourself with these controls will allow you to play better how to do various tasks, such as touching gloves.

Specific Controls for Touching Gloves in UFC 4

To touch gloves in UFC 4, hold down the L2 button (on PlayStation) or the LT button (on Xbox) and press the right bumper (R1/RB). This combination activates the glove touch animation, but only under certain conditions.

When Can You Touch Gloves?

Touching gloves can only be done at the beginning of the fight or at the start of each round. It’s a brief window, so you’ll need to time it perfectly. When fight starts, you’ll have an instant where both fighters are within range, which is when you can use the glove touch.

What are the Best Timing and Strategy to touch gloves in UFC 4 Game?

The best time to touch gloves is right at the start of the fight when both players are still close. However, some players may choose not to engage in this gesture, so be prepared for that possibility.

What If Your Opponent Doesn’t Respond?

Don’t worry if your opponent doesn’t reply to your glove touch. It has no negative effects on your gaming. Instead, focus on preparing for the fight. Just be cautious, because some players may attempt to take advantage of the situation.

Strategic Advantages and Disadvantages of Touching Gloves

Touching gloves may create a tone of respect for the match, but it can also reveal your direct goals. If you’re focused on starting strong, you might want to skip the glove touch and go straight into your game plan.

What is Impact on UFC 4 Gameplay of Touching Gloves?

Touching gloves is a neutral action that doesn’t impact your stamina or energy levels, but it can set the tone for the match. It’s just a small gesture, but it can have an impact on the psychological element of the fight.

The Psychological Aspect of Touching Gloves

Touching gloves can be a sign of respect, but they can also be used to play a psychological game. Some players may touch gloves to appear friendly before hitting suddenly, taking you off guard. Always remain cautious.

Touching gloves is an usual respect but it is not required. Some players choose to bypass it and get straight to the action. It is entirely up to you and your preferred manner of play.

How Touching Gloves in Real UFC Fights?

In real UFC fights, touching gloves is an indication of respect. Fighters frequently do this at the beginning of a fight to acknowledge one another. It is a tradition based on sportsmanship.

Touching Gloves in Real UFC Fights

Some of the most famous UFC moments include fighters exchanging gloves before a great fight. These moments frequently set the tone for a respectful but heated competition.

Even the pros understand that touching gloves involves more than simply respect. It is a way of showing confidence and control. Watching how the pros do it can help you understand when and how to make this motion effectively.

How to Customize Your Fighter’s Gesture in UFC 4 Game?

UFC 4 lets players personalize their fighters with various gestures and taunts. Touching gloves are just one of the alternatives available.

Follow the steps To change your fighter’s gesture:

Step 1: Enter the customization menu and select the one you want to gesture.

Step 2: You can adjust it at any time, allowing you to customize your fighter’s behavior to your liking.

If touching gloves is not your style, you can use alternative gestures. Some players choose to bow, wave, or even mock their opponent. It’s all about understanding what works best for you.


How to Touch Gloves in UFC 4? more than a button combination; it represents respect and sportsmanship in a virtual world where fierce competition is the norm. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, knowing when and how to use gloves can improve your gaming experience. It’s about setting the tone for your battles and showing that, even in the heat of battle, respect for your opponent comes first.

Before the fighting begins, players can strategize using the glove touch. In UFC 4, players can perform a glove touch by using the LT trigger on Xbox One or the L2 trigger on PS4, immediately after the referee signals the start of the match. Players must go carefully to perform the glove touch.


Can You Touch Gloves After the First Round?

No, UFC 4 only allows you to touch gloves at the start of each round. After that, the opportunity to do the gesture disappears until the next round begins.

What Happens If Both Players Try to Attack Instead?

If both players attempt to hit instead of touching gloves, the battle will continue as usual. There is no penalty for failing to engage in the glove touch, so it is up to the players to choose whether or not to show sportsmanship.

Is There a Penalty for Not Touching Gloves?

There are no penalties for not touching gloves in UFC 4. It’s an optional representation of respect, but players can start fighting right away if they choose.

Can You Customize the Glove Touch Gesture?

Yes, UFC 4 allows you to customize gestures, including the glove touch. You can modify how your fighter starts the glove contact or choose a completely new gesture if you like.

Does Touching Gloves Affect Your Fighter’s Performance?

Touching your fighter’s gloves has no direct effect on their performance. However, it can have an impact on the psychological dynamics of the bout, determining how the fight will develop.