Which of the following terms associated with transcription describe regions of nucleic acid? A) Promoter B) RNA polymerase C) Gene D) Terminator

Which of the following terms associated with transcription describe regions of nucleic acid A) Promoter B) RNA polymerase C) Gene D) Terminator

The correct terms associated with transcription describe regions of nucleic acid are A) Promoter B) Gene D) Terminator.

Promoter, gene, and terminator are names used to characterize nucleic acid regions during transcription. The promoter is where RNA polymerase connects to DNA to initiate transcription, whereas a gene is a section of DNA. The terminator signifies the end of transcription.

The terms promoter, gene, and terminator are used to describe nucleic acid regions during transcription.

Detailed Explanation Transcription Describe Regions of Nucleic Acid:

A) Promoter:

A promoter is a segment of DNA that induces transcription. It appears upstream from the gene it controls.

Promoter DNA

Role in transcription: The promoter serves as a binding site for RNA polymerase, the enzyme responsible for synthesizing RNA from DNA. When RNA polymerase connects to the promoter, it starts the process of converting the gene into RNA.

Nucleic Acid Region: The promoter is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

B) RNA Polymerase:

RNA Polymerase is an enzyme, not a kind of nucleic acid.

RNA Polymerase

Role in transcription: It produces RNA by reading the DNA template strand. It binds to the promoter region of DNA and travels along the gene, generating a complementary RNA strand.

Nucleic Acid Region: While RNA polymerase does interact with nucleic acids during transcription, it is not a nucleic acid region.

C) Gene

A gene is a unique sequence of nucleotides in DNA that encodes the information required to produce a functional output, typically a protein or RNA molecule.

Gene DNA

Transcription: The gene is transcribed into a complementary RNA sequence. This RNA can subsequently be translated into a protein or used to carry out other functions in the cell.

Nucleic Acid Region: The gene is a section of DNA.

D) Terminator

A terminator is a specific DNA sequence that indicates the end of transcription. It instructs RNA polymerase to stop generating RNA and detach from DNA.

Terminator DNA

Role in transcription: When RNA polymerase reaches the terminator, transcription stops, and the RNA strand is released.

The terminator is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA.


Which of the following terms associated with transcription describe regions of nucleic acid?

A) Promoter  B) RNA polymerase  C) Gene  D) Terminator


1) Promoter: Region of nucleic acid (DNA)

2) Gene: Region of nucleic acid (DNA)

3) Terminator: Region of nucleic acid (DNA)

RNA polymerase is an enzyme that interacts with nucleic acids instead of a nucleic acid region.

So, the correct terms for describing nucleic acid sections are A) Promoter B) Gene D) Terminator.

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